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1. Infinite loading - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Skirmish appears to be loading fine for everyone I talk to, but no one in Zion is currently able to play Ambush matches. We become subjected to infinite loading.
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.10.23 06:48:00
2. Missing AUR - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
I don't believe I've seen anyone with the Guristas Saga LAV and you are not the first person to say that the code does nothing. Is it listed as "Future Content" anywhere? Is there a date range or something that would suggest you will receive these...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.10.06 21:05:00
3. [BUG] Restock prices on Militia gear higher than market - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Question: Is it exclusive to Militia gear? Because the build is brand new, not very many people have skilled up higher into the upper level gear. It would be wise of CCP to double check ALL the gear restocking prices versus their respective Marke...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.10.04 07:40:00
4. Corp MGNT @ lvl 5 but Mem cap @ 11 and FW battles no go - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
SYST3M 0V3RL0AD wrote: a dirty Shisno wrote: ................... We chose a level goal and he attained and increased the skills all at once to get there before knowing about the glitch. Hence, the current situation. Additionally, switchin...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.10.03 02:14:00
5. Corp MGNT @ lvl 5 but Mem cap @ 11 and FW battles no go - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
SYST3M 0V3RL0AD wrote: a dirty Shisno wrote: SYST3M 0V3RL0AD wrote: CCP Cognac wrote: The fix has already been submitted but i don-¦t know when it will actually go live. I will let you know as soon as i know myself. Will the fix ...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.10.02 19:59:00
6. [Bug] Body left outside the turrets/installations while the user is inside - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Blackuya wrote: I don't think it's intentional though, because there is no consistently and the animation doesn't really make sense. Also, if that's how it suppose to work, the player health should be shown on the screen while operating the ins...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.10.02 19:42:00
7. corporation setting up error - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Can you please enlighten us all as to what characters were causing the error for you? What I mean is what constitutes a "special character"? Is every character that is not a letter of the alphabet a special character, or are some common character...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.10.02 19:04:00
8. [Bug] Body left outside the turrets/installations while the user is inside - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
The body is supposed to be exposed, allowing for the person manning the turret to be flanked if he is not paying attention nor being protected. You should not consider it as "entering" the turret, but rather as "accessing" the turret. In the prev...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.10.02 18:59:00
9. Corp MGNT @ lvl 5 but Mem cap @ 11 and FW battles no go - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
SYST3M 0V3RL0AD wrote: CCP Cognac wrote: Laurent Cazaderon wrote: Cognac, when do you plan on fixing the corporation member limit ? The fix has already been submitted but i don-¦t know when it will actually go live. I will let you kno...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.10.02 18:50:00
10. BUG: Disconnect Caused Neocom To Become Plastered On Screen - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
I was disconnected from the game and when I reloaded the Neocom was already on screen, however it was just a trio of empty rectangles with the word "Neocom" in the center one. Pressing L1 did not remove it and the objects in the room could be inte...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.10.02 00:11:00
11. BUG: Glitched Already In Squad Message Always On Screen - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
I attempted to make a squad and nothing appeared to happen. I just assumed I pushed the wrong button and attempted to make a squad again. I was then presented with the following error message: ("MESSAGE": "MESSAGE: 'SQUADMEMBERALREADYINSQUAD'<...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.10.01 23:40:00
12. BUG: Can Walk Into Null Cannon - Becomes Invulnerable - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
People can now walk into the center of the Null Cannons. While inside, all attacks will "hit" the shield of the Null Cannon, thus making anyone inside invulnerable to damage. Even if you go in after them, nobody can hurt anybody.
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.10.01 21:52:00
13. Can't join any game right now. - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Gee, and I was just about to start playing.
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.09.17 06:10:00
14. Downloaded Data Files Corrupt. Please Try Again Later. - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Hazon Dak'ir wrote: a dirty Shisno wrote: Same issue. Mine doesn't want to load past 48%. ***EDIT*** Actually, my issue is moderately different, as it told me to reinstall. CCP, you've got some splainin' to do. Just what's going on all of ...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.09.06 22:46:00
15. Downloaded Data Files Corrupt. Please Try Again Later. - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Same issue. Mine doesn't want to load past 48%. ***EDIT#1*** Actually, my issue is moderately different, as it told me to reinstall. CCP, you've got some splainin' to do. Just what's going on all of a sudden? ***EDIT#2*** I made it in. No reins...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.09.06 22:31:00
16. [Bug] Militia tank is finite - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Antonius Dacinci wrote: Actually what the bug here should be is there is no identifier while buying that your buying a finite supply not a infinite one. Yes. There needs to be an easily identifiable note weather the item is a BPO or a BPC. Ev...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.08.27 20:16:00
17. BUG: Our Expensive Vehicles Shouldn't Be Dropped Off Onto Supply Depots - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
So I was in a match and I climbed up a hill to a Supply Depot just in time to witness a guy who called in an LAV from on top of the hill have his LAV dropped off right on top of the Supply Depot next to him on the hill. Many people not only witnes...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.08.27 00:27:00
18. BUG: Really Weird And Flashy Freeze On Reboot After Invalid Bug - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
I played some matches with a friend until I came across the Invalid Bug that almost all of us now have encountered. Both myself and my friend were struck with the bug in the same match and I decided to quit to the XMB without first leaving back to...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.08.26 12:37:00
19. Game lock in Merc Quarters BUG - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Spooty Frog wrote: I've been able to replicate it in almost the same situation. I normally attempt to leave the instant battle queue if i've been staring an an empty roster for over a few minutes. However to replicate this I have to approach ...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.08.25 18:36:00
20. BUG: Add To Watch List Adds To Contact List Instead - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
All right, I really have no idea what the Watch List is for --- so if anyone can tell me that would be great --- but I went ahead and tested it out anyway. After a match I wanted to send a message to someone whom I played with during that match, ...
- by a dirty Shisno - at 2012.08.25 11:30:00
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